Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University, Green Delta Aims Tower (13th floor) 51-52 Mohakhali C/A Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
[email protected]
CPJ, in close collaboration with the Open Society Justice Initiative, organized a colloquium ‘Asian Leadership Colloquium on Legal Empowerment and Access to Justice’. The colloquium brought together the leaders of different legal empowerment organizations across the globe to discuss the state of legal empowerment, particularly the challenges faced by such organizations from Asia and South East Asia. The colloquium also focused on the issue of sustainability and explore innovative sources of revenue, which will make such organizations less dependent on external sources of funding. The two-day event also explored the ways to strengthen and promote paralegalism in order to enhance access to justice across Asia.
The specific objectives of the colloquium:
Date and Venue:
13 – 15 December 2017, AVANI Riverside Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Participants details:
Total 40 participants from 19 countries around the globe attended the colloquium. These participants represented a total of 33 organizations. (Click here to download the Participants Profile Booklet)
For further details, please contact: Nilufa Sultana Sheta, Programme Coordinator; [email protected]
Colloquium report attached
9. Final Report of Asian Ledership Colloquium on Legal Empoweremnt and Access to Justice 2