Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University, Green Delta Aims Tower (13th floor) 51-52 Mohakhali C/A Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
[email protected]
Since 2017 till date, CPJ has organized and conducted several Paralegal Certification Courses with different organizations. International standard participatory techniques and methods were applied throughout all the courses. All the tools written in the module are based on participatory adult learning approach which were applied by the trainers. All proven methods, such as, story analysis, quiz, mobile small groups, triads, categorization, card clustering, simulations, large groups discussions, study circles were applied to improve pedagogy. As different methods were applied effectively, the participants were very much involved in the learning process.
An overview of training sessions organized so far:
For further details, please contact: Nilufa Sultana Sheta, Programme Coordinator; [email protected]