Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University, Green Delta Aims Tower (13th floor) 51-52 Mohakhali C/A Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
[email protected]
CPJ has been implementing the project ‘Bridging Community and Humanitarian Response to COVID-19 in Rohingya Camps’ that aims to enable participation of Rohingya youth and community-based organizations (CBOs) as outreach volunteers in the humanitarian response for Rohingya Refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
The primary objectives of the project:
(a) To improve the Rohingya community’s understanding of how to prevent and respond to Covid-19
(b) To bolster refugees’ self-reliance by considering and including them as important actors within the broader Covid-19 humanitarian architecture.
A total of 30 youth volunteers from 17 CBOs are building their capacity in 14 Rohingya camps. They are engaging with 10 mainstream humanitarian agencies and facilitating outreach activities. They are involved in activities, such as, community consultations, awareness message dissemination and responding to frequently asked questions (FAQ). CPJ has been implementing this project since May 2020, and is supported by DFID.
For further details, please contact: Shahariar Sadat, Director, Academic and Legal Empowerment, [email protected]