Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University, Green Delta Aims Tower (13th floor) 51-52 Mohakhali C/A Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
[email protected]
CPJ implemented a civic engagement and education project in the host and refugee communities under the Rohingya Response of Cox’s Bazar.
The project engaged 28 youth and emerging leaders from the refugee camps and host communities. 14 refugee and 14 host community volunteers undertook a 16-day long intensive Training of Trainers (ToT). The curriculum consisted of 8 modules related to civic participation and engagement opportunities.
1. Introduction and tone setting
2. Identities: Who are we? 3. Sources of conflict 4. Gender and peace in our communities |
5. Building tolerant societies
6. Nations and nationalism 7. Responsibilities and rights in society 8. Governance and rule of law |
After undergoing the intensive ToT, the volunteers delivered a 8-week series of community workshops amongst camp and host community stakeholders on each module. Over 200 community participants learnt about civic-related issues. For many of the participants it was their first ever exposure to these topics, and the workshops were designed in such an experiential manner, which enabled community members to participate easily.
The COP volunteers also participated in a series of civic engagement opportunities. They had opportunity to interact with UN agencies, Bangladeshi civil society and international human rights organizations.
They also supported the ICC’s Victim Participation and Reparations Section to collect victim submissions to be sent to ICC judges in favour of an investigative mandate. The COP volunteers facilitated a series of community service and extra-curricular activities during the last two months of the project. This project was funded by the Obirodh: Road to Tolerance Program under MSI/USAID.
For further details, please contact: Shahariar Sadat, Director, Academic and Legal Empowerment, [email protected]