Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University, Green Delta Aims Tower (13th floor) 51-52 Mohakhali C/A Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
[email protected]
Background of Research
This study is aiming to uncover the young people’s knowledge and attitudes on atrocity crimes, it’s drivers and prevention in Bangladesh. In light of the critical realism epistemology, the empirical method adopted a multi-layer approach to unfold the discussion on knowledge and attitudes on atrocity crimes, it’s drivers and prevention in Bangladesh and identifying the problem-solving pathways where youth will play a significant role. To build rich empirical evidence, we have applied qualitative research method namely, focus group discussion (FGD) with a number of youth groups and KIIs with relevant stakeholders.
While building empirical evidence, we have started our discussion with the exploration of the understanding and views on atrocity (bigger circle) and will end with recommendations/suggestive pathways for youth led community engagement in atrocity prevention (inner circle). While doing the FGDs the research team met various youth groups with lot of diversity in terms of ethnicity, location, religion, and socio-economic background. There was a rich discussion on the nature and extent of atrocity crimes prevailed in the contemporary Bangladesh, it’s drivers and various pathways of prevention.
These groups include ethnic communities from Chittagong Hill Tracts and Cox’s Bazar (Rakhine), Urdu speaking Bihari community, religious minority, university students, host community youth in Cox’s Bazar, and emerging youth leaders involved with youth led programme/initiative.
Methodology: The study has adopted qualitative approach to understand the issues of interest and conducted a rigorous desk research to review the global and context specific literature followed by a series of consultation with several youth led organisations.
Activity Plan
Outcome: On the basis of the research finding, a new programme will be designed to engage youths to prevent atrocity crimes in Bangladesh as well as initiate new research endeavours.
Progress: Currently the study is in the phase of finalising the report and hope to finish it by mid-June.
Partner: Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (APCRP) of University of Queensland
Timeline: December 2020 – July 2021
Communication Point:
Muhammad Badiuzzaman, Lead Researcher of the project & Research Coordinator of CPJ, Brac University, [email protected]